As a 24 year veteran of Toastmasters, this is the club for which I arise early every Wednesday morning to attend at 7AM.  It’s a great place to learn communication and leadership skills, as well as great fun. 

Recommended Links

Here are links of interest to me that I hope my business colleagues, friends and family find interesting.

The First Friday Book Synopsis is the way I get my business reading done each month. Randy Mayeux and Karl Krayer read the books for you then present a 20 minute synopsis of TWO of the latest business best-sellers while you eat a full breakfast buffet!

As a Project Management Professional I recommend and volunteer for the local Dallas Chapter of the Project Management Institute.

ATW supports women and men worldwide who share the common interests of empowering women in technology.

My sister, Patricia, is on tour in Mexico for a year.  Read about her adventures here.

My sister, Cynthia, shares her “everyday is a birthday” life here as a mountain biker and an amateur/professional pool player.

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